Course Description:
The route for the boat race will head East from Pebble Beach to the jetty at the old Rayonier Mill site. It will be an out-and-back and the distance will be 2.6 miles long. Paddlers will need to split the race markers, yellow on right side of boat and orange on left going out, circle red marker on left side of boat at turn around and then going back split markers with orange on right side and yellow on left, heading West on the same course to the finish / start. Depending on the time of day the Coast Guard may stop you at the Black Ball ferry crossing at which point the time will stop and the total amount you are stopped will be deducted from your total time.
Equipment, Skill, and Safety Rules:
To maintain high standards for fairness and safety in this race, all boats must pass the safety inspection on race day. All racers must comply with the following safety rules or be subject to disqualification:
- 1. All kayaks (in all divisions) must meet a minimum length of 13 feet (not including rudders or handles). Inflatable kayaks are not allowed. Sit-on-top kayaks do qualify if they meet the length/width ratio and are over 13 feet long.
- 2. All kayaks (in all divisions) must have watertight bulkheads and watertight hatches or secure, positive flotation in both ends of their boat.
- 3. All Team Division kayaks must be wider than .094 times the overall length of the boat (in inches). For example, an 18’ kayak must be equal to or greater than 20.3” wide to qualify (.094 x 18 ft x 12 inches/ft = 20.3 inches). Iron Division can use any length/width kayak so long as it meets the minimum 13′ length and the other safety specifications listed here.
- 4. All paddlers must wear a standard U.S. Coast Guard approved TYPE III vest-style inherently buoyant Life Jacket (PFD) *and* have a whistle. Your PFD must be worn properly fastened on your body at all times during the race. All inflatable PFD’s, whether Type III approved or not, are prohibited.
- 5. All racers MUST be capable of performing some form of remount or self-rescue (e.g., paddle float self-rescue, cowboy remount, Kayak roll, etc.).
- 6. All kayaks must be paddled by one person using a double-bladed paddle as the sole means of propulsion.
- 7. We recommend the use of spray skirts for sit-inside sea kayaks, but only if you are skilled in how to do a wet exit while wearing a spray skirt. Following boat manufactures recommendations is suggested.
- 8. All outrigger canoes must be paddled by one person using a single-bladed paddle.
- 9. All surf skis require a paddle leash attached to the boat OR a boat leash attached to the paddler.
- 10. SUP’s are not allowed.
- 11. MP3, iPods or similar music/audio systems are prohibited while racing.
- 12. The following boats are not allowed in any division: a) “whitewater” river boats; b) Olympic “Downriver” racing boats; c) Olympic K-1 flatwater “racing” boats; d) any 2-person or double kayaks.

Impact of Weather on Kayak Leg:
The Kayak leg is conducted only in acceptable wind, water and traffic conditions. Be aware this leg may be canceled in case of seriously challenging weather or harbor conditions. Extreme wind conditions (sustained winds of 18-20 or more knots). Fog that creates sight limitations to below 200 feet.
If you hear 3 short blasts of the air horn from either the Coast Guard or Sherriff boat this means you need to head back to the start beach in the safest manner possible and the leg is canceled. The next person on your team will be alerted and their leg will start accordingly. Irons will have their time stopped at the moment the horn was sounded and then restart once they leave race central for their next leg.
Ferry: Depending on time you enter the water and when you return, you may be asked to stay on the beach and wait for ferry to dock, or held up on the water, to wait for the ferry to dock. This time will be subtracted from your overall time. No boats will be allowed to leave the beach after 11:45am.
There will be safety boats patrolling the racecourse plus various locations along the course. If you need assistance, please notify one of the safety boats with your whistle.
Cold Water Safety Warning:
Please note: The water at the Port Angeles Harbor is quite cold. It averages about 50° ± year round. At this temperature, sudden immersion without proper thermal protection can cause shock and hypothermia within 10-15 minutes and, if this chilling state persists, it can be life threatening.
Be sure you understand that, as a race participant, you are solely and completely responsible for your own safety when participating in this race. In rough water conditions, it is sometimes difficult for safety boat personnel to see a capsized kayaker in the water, or they may be busy handling other capsizes. It is possible that, if you capsize, you may not receive help from a safety boat for an extended period of time. Therefore, ALL kayak leg participants are STRONGLY ADVISED to wear appropriate cold water paddling clothing while racing. A dry suit or wet suit, spray jacket, poly-pro protective thermal clothing, sun hat, etc. are highly recommended.

Two great places to watch the kayak leg are from Port Angeles pier (accessed by Hollywood Beach) or from along the Waterfront section of the Olympic Discovery Trail. The access to the pier and the trail is just 2 blocks east of race central
Drop Off & Staging:
Drop off and Staging
All boats must be dropped off at race central between 5pm and 9pm the Friday before the race. The race provides overnight security guards on the beach.
Boats need to be picked up on race day – bring or wear your race bib to pick up your kayak – you will not be allowed to retrieve your boat without it!
- 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. You can walk your boat out
- 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. You can drive in and get your boat
- After 5:00 p.m. There is no security for boats left at the beach – if your boat is still there we aren’t watching it!